Prevent Child Abuse America
 x Dialogue Theory

Championing the prevention of child abuse and neglect


Web design
Web development
Content Strategy
Content management
Brand systems


Web design
Web development
Content Strategy
Content management
Brand systems



The challenge

Empower a national nonprofit speak to a range of audiences to drive support for the study and prevention of child abuse.

Our solution

A bold reinterpretation of a respected nonprofit organization's brand, paired with a fresh and forward-looking new website that reflects its evidence-informed approach and impact.

Key numbers


pageviews in first quarter after launch, a 39% lift


increase in average engagement time of projects map

1.0 s

Speed Index as reported by Google PageSpeed Insights

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Prevent Child Abuse America is the nation’s oldest and largest organization committed to preventing child abuse and neglect before it happens, providing free support to over 100,000 children with nearly one million home visits across the United States annually.
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Dialogue Theory had already worked with the PCA America team on a redesign of the website for their signature home visiting program, Healthy Families America, when they approached us to help elevate their brand to highlight a new stage of the organization's evolution.

Critical to the project was presenting Prevent Child Abuse America as the "keeper of the constellation" of child abuse organizations nationwide and celebrating it's research-based approach, re-announcing PCA America as a crucial driver of healthy childhoods with an industry-leading storytelling, fundraising, advocacy, and chapter empowerment platform.

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Creating a memorable, coherent communications platform that established PCA America as a leader and celebrated its mission, heroes, and achievements started with deeply understanding its role both as a translator and synthesizer of research and a leader of on-the-ground support work.

The design we delivered aimed to inspire visitors with an immersive experience that could communicate to a wide variety of users including local, state, and federal policymakers and program funders, child abuse and neglect practictioners, academics, and the general public.

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<div class="align-right vertical-spacing"><p class="intro-text">Built on WordPress and hosted by WP Engine, the new website includes an interactive chapter map built using Mapbox, a gated chapter portal, and an emergency "close this website" feature aimed at protecting at-risk visitors.</p></div>
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After the launch of the new website, PCA America engaged us as a digital partner on an ongoing basis for integrations of new advocacy and donation platforms, SEO and analytics support, and develop an innovative microsite for digitizing real-world fundraising.


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Nunc sed quam nisi. Fusce a blandit neque. Aenean aliquet non mauris id blandit. Proin faucibus iaculis dui, sit amet vestibulum ante pretium quis. Integer at fermentum risus. Maecenas eu sodales lectus, et consectetur velit. Morbi blandit, diam accumsan dictum eleifend, elit nunc vestibulum eros, non dignissim diam tortor in eros. Nullam libero orci, consequat eget suscipit in, venenatis quis neque. Suspendisse tincidunt commodo dignissim. Phasellus non auctor nisl

I looked forward to our weekly check-in calls both for the camaraderie and the creative problem solving that occurred—they became trusted members of my extended team. Just plain exceptional at what they do.

Charles Mutscheller
Chief Communications Officer, Prevent Child Abuse America

Whether you know it or not, your life is - and will continue to be - in part  shaped by how a rising China interfaces with the West. SupChina provides executives, diplomats, policymakers, and more with news, analysis, and tools that drive a more intuitive understanding of rapidly shifting dynamics.

Whether you know it or not, your life is - and will continue to be - in part  shaped by how a rising China interfaces with the West. SupChina provides executives, diplomats, policymakers, and more with news, analysis, and tools that drive a more intuitive understanding of rapidly shifting dynamics.

As part of our effort to craft a design ethos that avoided presenting challenging topics from the standpoint of pity but rather celebrated the dignity of young people and the experience of happy childhoods, we commissioned a series of digital paintings by Ukrainian illustrator Lana Marandina. Over the course of several weeks, we worked with Marandina to capture nostalgic - and slightly dreamlike - images that could serve as anchors for website heroes - and the brand as a whole. Guided by PCA America, we ensured that the images portrayed the experiences of diverse children, parents, and other caregivers.